Listed the recommended paths in C Drive to delete the used space in the disk

C Drive Cleanup paths

Name Windows Path
Recycle bin C:\
Temp Folders C:\windows\temp
C:\Users\*\Appdata\local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary internet files\
C:\temp\NMM or NMM82
Application Crash dumps C:\Users\*\Appdata\local\CrashDumps\
Windows Error reporting C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportQueue\
Memory.dmp file C:\windows\memory.dmp
Drivers C:\drivers
Deploy C:\deploy
Shadow Copies Right Click on Drive C: and click “configure Shadow Copies “
Delete the blobs.bin file(Used as a caching mechanism for servicing operations) and reboot C:\Windows\system32>dism.exe /online /cleanup-Image /spsuperseded
Windows Patches Cache C:\Windows\ccmcache
