Login to the Domain controllers or RSAT / Relevant features installed client machines.
To get AD computer details from Windows 2003 Domain Controllers use below command in command prompt::
dsquery * -filter "(objectCategory=computer)" -limit 1000 -attr cn whenChanged whenCreated > ad_domainname.txt
Note: We can use the above command without ‘–limit 1000’
To get AD computer detail from Windows 2008 Domain Controllers use below commands in PowerShell::
1. Import-module ActiveDirectory
2. Get-ADComputer -properties * -LDAPFilter "(&(objectcategory=computer))"|export-csv c:\ad_domainname_computers.csv
To get AD computer details from Windows 2003 Domain Controllers use below command in command prompt::
dsquery * -filter "(objectCategory=computer)" -limit 1000 -attr cn whenChanged whenCreated > ad_domainname.txt
Note: We can use the above command without ‘–limit 1000’
To get AD computer detail from Windows 2008 Domain Controllers use below commands in PowerShell::
1. Import-module ActiveDirectory
2. Get-ADComputer -properties * -LDAPFilter "(&(objectcategory=computer))"|export-csv c:\ad_domainname_computers.csv
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